Thursday, September 16, 2010

the one who got left out

Wow... its been some time that i was here... had almost forgotten this thing that i had started and thought should carry on doing. some ppl might blame it on their busy lives and the paucity of time but i say you've gotta make time to have time.

i am in a situation where i want to say a lot but then dont really know what to start with. there are just so many things... work, long distance driving inside the NCR, the CWG 2010 and its woes, the delhi metro, friends, family, settling down etc etc....

i want to write but think i am too lazy to do that....... just as an idea, what if i start a wish list here..... wants, needs and desires... i will not categorize it. just a plain simple list........

hmmmm.... i think i will start later.

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